Friday, July 2, 2010

Wedding Guest Book Tree

This new guest book option is the perfect fit for our wedding. I found the idea online and was really excited to make it for us! I took a piece of canvas and sketched the wooden parts of an entire tree with a fine tip permanent marker. Then I painted a bride and groom song bird in the tree and our names and wedding date at the bottom. At the wedding, the guests will stamp their thumb into an ink pad of yellow, orange, or green ink. (No fear- we have wet wipes!). Then they press their thumb onto the end of a branch to make a leaf on the tree. Then they use a fine tip permanent marker to sign their name around their print. Is this not the coolest idea! We will be able to frame it in our home not only as a sweet piece of art, but a meaningful one too!

Wedding Silver With Favors

These are the pieces that will be at everyone place setting for the reception! They are napacks of silver (complete with a black-and-white-checkered picnic napkin!) wrapped in either a yellow or orange napkin with a raffia bow. The best part is I tied the party favor of Old Fashioned Candy sticks that are our wedding colors in with them!

Wrapping Wedding Gifts

Is this NOT the most adorable gift ever! I had a lot of fun wrapping my friends gift for her wedding this weekend, but I loved it so much that I had to take a picture. I decided that it was too good-looking to ever be opened! Ha. kidding.

Wedding Monogram

I painted this very large wedding monogram to potentially hang behind the head bridal party table at the reception. That could change. I was bored and thought I could find somewhere to incorporate this. The paisleys came about because of the paisleys in the groomsmen, fathers, and ushers ties.

Wedding Direction Signs

I painted these signs to stake into the ground on the country roads near our home as well as throughout the backyard to direct people. Each sign will also have a large silk sunflower punched through it:)

Painting # 7

I made this green "B" with paisleys on it for our front door. Isn't it cute! I think this green and white combo are my new favorite, although I am becoming very fond of yellow and orange with all the wedding projects!

Wedding Programs

I am SOOO excited about our wedding programs. I made them into wooden paddle fans since the ceremony is being held in my parents backyard. I used all different shades of light yellow and orange cardstock paper, printed our ceremony order, thank you, and bridal party on the appropriate sides, and taped everything together with double-sided tape like you can see above. I then topped it off by punching holes to tie adorable orange and yellow ribbon around the paddle and by punching eye-let lace patterns in the corners:) i love these.

Wedding Programs

I am SOOO excited about our wedding programs. I made them into wooden paddle fans since the ceremony is being held in my parents backyard. I used all different shades of light yellow and orange cardstock paper, printed our ceremony order, thank you, and bridal party on the appropriate sides, and taped everything together with double-sided tape like you can see above. I then topped it off by punching holes to tie adorable orange and yellow ribbon around the paddle and by punching eye-let lace patterns in the corners:) i love these.

Homemade Card

I just used rubber cement to glue pinwheels of yellow yarn on these homemade cards to make them have more texture!

Painting #6

This is the craziest painting I have yet done, but it was for a college housemate of mine whose style I still can not describe:)....she loved it!

Thursday, July 1, 2010